Sunday, July 27, 2008

Forgive Me, Lil Mona!

Yesterday was definitely a great day as Lil Mona was dedicated. Too bad I was out the night before the event. I didn't consume any liquor, but I can say it out loud that I was really, really, I mean really tired. I had my alarm set on my cell phone, but I guess my phone was mad at me because I had accidentally dropped it on the floor before I got home, and as a result, "she" slept in my room while I slept in the sitting room. Although "she" rang, "she" tried everything in "her" power for me not to hear... unfortunately for me, "she" won.

All these made me wake up late, but not late for work. For the 12th time this year, I was at work some few minutes before the scheduled time. This is about the same time the dedication was over.

After the church service, there was a lil get-together, and like you know, I was at work. I got off about 11:00pm, still eager to show up, and so made some few calls and asked if the party was still on. Unfortunately, it was over, and I ended up not showing up.

What a shame!

I know for sure that I owe Lil Mona big time, and I'll try to make it up to her.


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