Monday, September 29, 2008

A Controversy or Two and a Good

A leopard can’t change its spots, so why try to change me? I’m unique and as a result don’t want to be a spitting image of any human --A Dark Horse to be-- I’ll continue to remain me and with time, you wouldn’t need any invitation to see me dine.

I digress.

It’s funny how I’ve been holding my horses since I’ve known my left hand from my right. I don’t have an axe to grind, but many a times I get tempted to doing that. Everyday passed is rarely classified as a field day. It’s either one crazy cruel circumstance or another. I still can’t fathom out the reason(s) some folks want to get me into saying things about their bitchy actions (excuse my French). Is it a must? I don’t want to. Let me be me! I know I sometimes make mistakes and mess up, but I slap myself on the wrist. Answering to your hidden question, yes, it’s pretty hard now but it’s worth going through it. I’m glad I’m not Thomas but Thompson, and so I intend to stick to the belief that every cloud has a silver lining.

Other than the mini trauma, it’s been really cool around. Typing about coolness, I just met a cool, smart, and otherworldly nymph. Great combination if you ask me as it avoids moral decay. It’s a shame I’m not going to keep you guys updated on this though.


Anonymous said...

Keep your head up. Great work!

Anonymous said...

I am your number one fan of your work. I have never left a comment before, but I am really curious to know who the nymph is.

Anonymous said...

Just like the curiousity Joan Armstrong have, I myself wanna know the nymph. Who is she?

tommeh said...

@ nichole.. thanx

@ joan and barbara.. the last sentence answers your question, and thanx for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Can we know the nymph

tommeh said...

No, it can't be disclosed.

Anonymous said...

wow! I can't read your blog and not ask the same question..

who is she?

tommeh said...

lol, a human..