Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm Still Here

It's no doubt that I've been living in squalor for some weeks. The sleepless nights, my 072908's experience, the fear, shock, news, etc have created havoc in my head. The mere fact that I'm writing this increases the mental scars.

It's easy for me to draw the curtain, but why? Even the doctor has reassured me that there's no need for operation. He further stressed that all I need do is wait for a week and half or so. Soon, the baby will be born, and all these will be of the past.

A lil confusion is expected on this issue, but please do not get too confused. It's all literally written. I'll let the cat out of the bag when it's time.

Just like my sub-title of this blog says "a place for the unknowns, about-to-be-knowns, and knowns", this is "about-to-be-knowns".


Anonymous said...

Just hold on. Stephanie

tommeh said...

I definitely will.