Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday, October 29 (The Date)

(My Wings)
October 29 is the day I was born by a loving mother, pampered by a generous father and two caring brothers and two sisters- my understanding of an outstanding family.

(My School of Thought)
People make progress but do not reach perfection because imperfection is the nature of the beast. Intuitively, I’m not a Scorpio nor bracketed to any other sign but someone born with uniqueness in His mind relating to my physique which as a result makes me one less customer of any boutique because I’m classic already.

(The Struggle)
I have been through storms, so be in queue with me that growing up and possessing qualities as mine is not all beer and skittles. It’s hard work.

(The Outstanding Day)
Everyday counts but October 29 is ever going to be an outstanding one. It’s my birth date, and I’m saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thompson VS His Nosy Readers

What's going on? I get over two thousand visits to my blog yet I don't receive as many comments as expected. Which should I be comfortable with, Readers or Comments? care for both.

One thing that really got me astonished is the interests people/readers have in other people, especially when pertaining to the relationship of the person in subject. Four - seven comments are not bad but bad when they envelop the last paragraph depicting an anonymous nymph. C'mon now..Ever since I published the post titled "A Controversy or Two and a Good", I've been getting e-mails from girls like freebies. Don't get me wrong, I'm no PIMP, but at least agree with me that it's sickening.

Hey, I don't want to be frenzily fed. It's just that I like putting my thoughts in writing, usually literally. Know that I always get down to brass tacks when needed, and this happened not to be an exception. Like most people who believe variety is the spice of life, I search for my mistakes in my set of ideas and x-mark the spot. This is definitely not one. There hasn't been any fatal's Thompson, remember?

Getting over two thousand visits and one-nineteenth comments (rule of thumb) doesn't mean it's compulsory you leave a comment. All I'm spreading is that you should consider the fact that I let the ink from my pen bleed not only to let you know about what's going on but also remind me at a later date of a set aside agenda that need be aimed and later achieved, mostly veiled to you.

I author all the works here, and so there's no way I'll say your guess is as good as mine when it comes to creative writing. On the contrary, don't be mad when I'm asked about yours and my answer sums it for a cliche or resolves around an idiomatic expression as your guess is as good as mine..


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Literally Veiled...Readers, Skip This! Pt 2

Let me know when I've started. Depression don't and won't have a definition to me. As at this time, all I'm concerned about is my slick actions. I still have got nothing to type, so let me know when I've started.

The imaginary eyes of an unborn, sounds/seems scary, can even show me the way to so many places. I've been read about; I've read some, but you don't expect me to wear my heart on my sleeve, do you? I intend not to inform you when my pen is out of ink like the dead without flowing blood. Even when such occurs, I'll just search for another (feathers and ink) and take a popular product of timber to make white...abstractly no more space age technology.

I have a role to play that's why I'm in the green room. Yes, what do you expect? I have a partime job as a victim of circumstance, not having a taste of my own medicine.

This is my e-diary. Skip, close or shut down if you can't bear. It's not a speech and so can't be classified for a mumbo jumbo. And please, do not make me chew you out- I'm really good at that. I write without being on pins and needles, and what you say is all Greek to me. It's pretty funny to me because evidently, I know something's for sure, and that's to see you soon. You know, the regular joint, this place.

At this juncture, ten thousand and one things are eighty six. I really don't feel like buying a lemon so I guess I have to save up more. Skip coming to me for a demo-suggestion. Your present and past ones are seen as water under the bridge, so why try crossing the bridge?

Regardless of the route I take, I know I can't wag the dog.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Migraine...Yet Focused

No man is an island. We are in a way or two under the aegis of someone. I am not an exception. With the help of a great couple, I survived a severe migraine. I don’t wish to be on the same page with readers with past pains but in a nutshell, it was really painful. I last experienced this two years ago around this season when the weather nigh fall. One primary cause of it (as they say) is stress. Wow! I must be a Noble Savage. That’s not a restriction from my perspective, though. I’m still at the drop of a hat provided it’s legal. I’m still buying all thoughts and intentions of working hard then staying and remaining high on the hog. That being typed, I’m kind of scared of myself in the sense that it seems as if I want to make a killing, but I’ll definitely grab opportunities as that when I see one. Let’s be real, you don’t want to disguise the fact that everyone is homed in on making bread. My advice to you is not to be hypocritical, but at least know which side your bread is buttered on.

Ironically, yet in an aphoristic sense, we need tie the knot to Matthew 11:28. Otherwise we'd be led to a blind alley. Just let HIM!